The Final hours of Jesus part 1

Mejor Kaphuta Nyirenda

Luke 24:7 "The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again." Think of the tens of thousands of people during the past few decades who have jumped every time they heard a rap on the door at night. If it's midnight, it might be the police! The very thought of such incidents disturbs us. Many centuries ago, just outside the eastern wall of Jerusalem at the western base of the mount of Olives, people arrested Jesus at midnight in the garden of Gethsemane. It was a strange climax to His years of love filled service for others. Jesus and His disciples had gone to the garden after the inauguration of the first Communion in the upper room. It was late at night. He had been praying and had sought the companionship of His disciples nearest emergency to His heart. Then came the confused noise of the approaching mob, led by officials and a military guard, along with the polive, to arrest Him at midnight. With alarmed men sorrounding Him as though He was a criminal, Jesus made no resistance. When Peter, His intimate friend, tried to defend Him with a sword, Jesus told him to put it away, then healed the wound that peter had just caused. The mob was no surprise to Jesus. Long before He had declared that the time would come when He would be turned over to the hostile authorities. Jesus was fulfilling a devine purpose in His life. Nothing tool him by surprise. As a man He was well acquainted with the old Testament prophecies written centuries before. They clearly show that the Messiah, the christ, long expected by the chosen people, would be rejected, "delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. While still in Galilee with His disciples, by that beautiful lake, Jesus had remarked; "the son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men: and they shall kill him" (Matthew 17:22,23). Facing certain death, He let Himself be arrested without resisting, Just for you and me!