In times like these.

Owen Makoza

We are living in a time where everything is hard. Survival is hard, the health sector has been hit from all angles. Both Rich ASN poor, big and small have been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. The world is in a siege. But still Christ foretold us about this in the four gospels , of things that will happen when his return is nigh, whatever the the origin of the occurence maybe but still is defines the time we are living in that indeed Christ's soon return is near. As we have been hit from all angles with the pandemic let's remember there is God and he is still the same as he was yesterday. Let's focus our faith on him. He will sustain us. Yes we will get sick, others will die but make sure we are in good books with our creater always. 

Let's adhere to all measures inorder to win this fight agains Covid 19. 

God bless you.