Advent Hope


Advent Hope Ministries (AHM) is an Adventist singing group based at Soche Seventh Day Adventist Church in Blantyre, Malawi. The group started in 2002 and since then it has released three music albums, Lalikira Mau, Maranatha and Tidzagonjetsa. In all the albums, songs are in our venecular language, Chichewa and English.

AHM is overseen by a Board which consists of patron, matron, sponsors and the group's Executive Committee. Daily operations for the group are run by the Executive Committee, headed by AHM's Chairperson.

Our mission is to proclaim the Everlasting gospel & the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a ministry, the group has a special focus on hospital, orphanage and prison visitations.

Our vision is to reach out to souls locally and internationally to encourage them in tough times now and those coming ahead and to spread the advent message through music.

Recent Songs

Poyang'ana Mphirimo
Tingagonjetse Edzi



In times like these.

We are living in a time where everything is hard. Survival is hard, the health sector has been hit from all angles. Both Rich ASN poor, big and small have been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. The world is in a siege. But still Christ foretold us about this in the four gospels , of things that will happen when his return is nigh, whatever the the origin of the occurence maybe but still is defines the time we are living in that inde...

None is Amazing like God.

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I got to know what amazes me here on ear...

Christ's Robe of Righteousness Is for the Repentan

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